Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it's spring!

you know it's been a long time since you've enjoyed the outside weather when bubbles are the most fascinating thing to your 5 and 4 year old boys!  they have rediscovered the simple pleasures of life!

and here is the best shot of them with their new haircuts.  getting 2 boys who haven't been outside to play for any extended period of time to stand still long enough for a decent picture is no simple task!

we are loving this weather but poor noodle's allergies/asthma is a bit out of control thanks to the lovely spring weather and winds.  pray for him please!  we are so over the cold weather, the rain and all the sickness that has plagued our household.  bring on spring!

i started reading beth moore's newest book, So Long Insecurity yesterday, and it is stepping, or maybe i should say stomping, on my toes.  i've spoken here of the anxiety that i struggle with and after reading just the first 2 chapters, i am wondering if my anxiety stems from insecurity.

here are just a few things that were underlined in my book from today's reading:

"the question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt, limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose."

"i'd rather press through the discomfort of staring at my weaknesses than live in denial and bondage."

"i not only lack security, i also lack faith.  i don't just doubt myself, i also doubt God about myself.  you entertain the lie that you know yourself better than God knows you and that you've somehow successfully hidden something from His omniscient eye.  this could be the only explanation for why He bothers with you."

"insecurity's best cover is perfectionism."

"loss of favor and approval and harmony is excruciating to people with insecurity."

(all of the italicized statements are direct quotes from beth moore.  i just want to keep a journal of all the statements that speak to my heart.)

if any of those statements hit home for you, i would highly recommend this book.  i've only read the first 2 chapters, and my mind is already spinning.  i'm intentionally going slow in reading it...just one chapter a that i can sufficiently chew on the information presented and pray through those struggles that hit home for me.  i think this is going to be very good!

and i also loved this from psalm 112 today:

verse 1:  Praise the Lord.  Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands.
verse 7-8:  He will have no fear of bad news;  his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.  His heart is secure, he will have no fear.

1 comment:

Jason and Kyla said...

Here'e some insecurity for ya - I so wanted to take that book on our trip and read it, but was too insecure to walk onto the plane carrying that giant picture of Beth Moore screaming "SO LONG INSECURITY" for everyone to see!