Sunday, July 18, 2010

dear mr. sentimentality

dear mr. sentimentality,

you are making my life rather difficult these days.  while i appreciate the ways you help me to value things from the past (like my grandmother's dining table that now resides in our home) and appreciate things in the moment (like many moments on our recent trip to the beach), you have made me exceedingly weepy as of late in terms of seasons of life.

i know i should be thankful for the Lord's provision in blessing me with a job that seems to work perfectly with our family and schedule, and i am.  and i am thankful for a smooth interview and getting word that the job was mine a few days later.  i am thankful to be able to work for a pediatric dentist that is a believer and is willing to allow me to work only when both burrito and noodle are in school.  i am thankful that the dental office is close and i won't have a long commute.  i am thankful for the opportunity and ability to help ease the financial burden that has been on john for the past 6 years.  i am thankful for the chance to expand my circle of friends and get to know new people.  i am thankful (mostly!) for the ways i know the Lord will use this new season of life to stretch me, teach me and make me trust Him more.

but mr. sentimentality, you are ruining my ability to focus on the good things that this new season of life brings because i am SO SAD to be leaving the season i have known and LOVED for the past 6 years.  this past week with john teaching latin camp has afforded me the time to just be with my boys and enjoy simple pleasures.  we've been going out early (before it hits 100 degrees!) and riding the gators.  we went to the library for storytime and to check out a bulging bag of books.  we've built secret hideouts, we've read lots of books, and we've done art projects.  all the things we've done for the past SIX years. 

how i have loved these times, and i keep telling myself that a new season will bring new rituals and new memories but my heart just can't believe that just yet. 

so all my friends who are moms of little ones the saying i heard so often then i now know to be true:

the days may seem long but the years seem so short.

treasure the days.  treasure the years.  treasure the seasons.  Lord teach me to appreciate them all and move from one to the other gracefully.


Louanne said...

I just heard a variation of that quote for adoption paperchasing and waiting.

In all areas it applies in such a true way. I thought I was going to loose my mind in the 27 month wait to get Nadia and this week we celebrate 3 years as a family and I CAN'T believe how fast it's gone.

Jason and Kyla said...

Congratulations!! I'm so excited that this job has worked out for you. It sounds just perfect. I love your thoughts on the changing of these seasons. I feel like you are speaking straight from my heart. It is so hard to swallow these changes, even when they are good ones.