Tuesday, July 21, 2009

summer's past

wednesday is our 2 year anniversary for living in our current home. we have plans to celebrate with brownies. we have done a lot of work in the past two years and the boys have changed so much. when thinking about this last night, i just couldn't believe that burrito was 3 and noodle was only 1 when we moved in.

so in thinking about all these things, i thought it would be fun to post some pics of the boys over the past summers, for comparison fun.

here's a shot from burrito's first summer, 2004. we were swimming with our friends in lubbock.

and this is one of my favorite shots ever with burrito and i was 7 months pregnant with noodle here. we are in front of our "picture tree" at the zoo. summer 2005.

here are both boys in august of 2006. we loved going for wagon rides around the neighborhood. and john and i laugh at these pictures because he had just fertilized the lawn, it rained a bunch, and our grass was ridiculously green.

the summer of 2007 was characterized by 2 things: rain, rain, rain and moving! so what do you do with a 3 and 1 year old if it is raining, seriously every day? send them out to play in the rain, fully clothed and all!

the summer of 2008 was our first full summer here and the boys spent most of their time riding these and exploring our backyard.

and this pretty much sums up our summer of 2009. lots and lots of wrestling.

apparently, this is what boys do.

1 comment:

Colored With Memories said...

i love that you did this...i haven't seen many pics of the boy's younger years. so sweet!