Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advent Reading Day 1

and so begins our advent reading and advent tree decorating for 2009. advent means coming and reminds us to reflect and think upon Christ's coming to earth for us. please join with us in reading God's Word as we look expectantly towards Christ's birth.

advent reading day 1
scripture reading: the story of creation, genesis 1 and 2*
symbol: a dove, representing God hovering over the deep, silent darkness as he was making life happen
if you would like to check out the entire reading plan, you can do so here.
*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd jones for our kid-friendly readings.
we are home today. burrito woke up with a sore throat and fever. i despise sickness, but i am thankful for some good family time in our jammies today. burrito and noodle helped me make a few more advent ornaments that were missing from our revised reading plan for this year. we've also colored and cut out pirate ships and have watched cartoons. i have a roast cooking in the crockpot. christmas music is playing. the weather outside is frightful (cold and rainy). and the boys are begging me to come and play memory.
enjoy your family today.

1 comment:

Stephanie Rohloff said...

Jenn, I just love you so much! You are such a good Mommy and friend. Thanks for sharing your life and love through the blog...I love it!