Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advent Reading Day 13

advent reading day 13
scripture reading: the teeny, weenie...true king: samuel anoints david, from 1 Samuel 16*
symbol: david the shepherd boy

*we are using the jesus storybook bible by sally lloyd-jones for our kid-friendly readings


worshiping the Lord this morning was so good for all our souls this morning. yesterday was so busy we were just exhausted. we started the day off with a pajama birthday party complete with donuts (isn't that a great idea!?!?!), then off we went to the children's christmas party at church, then a haircut for me and over to my mom's for her birthday. noodle was so tired last night that we thought he was getting sick. but a good night's rest did us all well. it is good to rest in the Lord today and to reflect on the greatest gift we've ever received, His Son, Jesus.

happy sunday!

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